Rolfing is the best form of bodywork I have encountered in my 23+ years of practicing massage and bodywork. It can be a transformative and life changing work. It has been for me, and it is my hope that it is for you as well. 

My Story

I grew up playing soccer, riding motorcycles, shooting guns, camping, and snowboarding, but gymnastics had my heart. I competed for nearly 10 years and sustained many injuries including but not limited to; neck pain, broken collar bone, subluxated ribs, concussions, wrist/knee/ankle problems, shin splints, broken tibia, etc. I was a mess by the time I quit when I was 15. I was so use to being in pain I didn't really notice it, I was always sore from working out and had learned to "suck it up and walk it off". This translated into my emotional range as well as my physical state. I massaged my aching body regularly, but never considered massage school until my senior year of high school. After listening to a lecture about massage during a "career day" at school, a voice in my head kept telling me, "You need to do this, Susie”. The voice was relentless, and after 2 weeks, I finally went to the local massage school and signed up. I am so glad I did! Massage pulled me away from pursuing a career in medicine and drew me toward a deep healing of myself, and helping others on their healing paths. I am so so grateful that I listened, my life has become richer, sweeter, more kind and gentle. I have learned and changed so much over the past 23 years that sometimes I can't believe I am the same person! 

I found Rolfing when I was 20, I had heard about it during massage school, and on a whim I tried it out.

It was profound work.

It reduced my bowleggedness by 6 inches and ended my chronic neck pain. Ended it. I use to pop my neck 20+ times a day, now it's maybe once a day, and sometimes less than once a week! I am still NOT bow-legged, 15+ years later! It took me 8 years to build the confidence to go to the Rolf Institute in Boulder Colorado. I didn't realize how much I was avoiding this yearning, or how much I wanted to go! I told myself it was "too expensive" and I was "too busy" living my life and traveling. And that voice came back, urging me to become a Rolfer. So I went. And here we are... 13 years later. I have been a Rolfer for the past 11 years, and am so happy to have a career that I find interesting for myself, and shifting for my clients. 

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LoveHouse Rolfing

Healing is Possible